The last couple weeks 12 new ICA stores in Sweden have chosen Real-Time Occupancy from IMAS. - We continue to encourage more ICA retailers to contact us to get started with the service, says Fritz Dimmlich, Regional Director Nordic at IMAS.

ICA MAXI in Malmö, Sweden.
In the beginning of January, we announced that 10 ICA stores joined IMAS. With the addition of the new stores a total of 22 ICA stores are now using the latest technology to make sure new national regulations on number of visitor are being met.
- IMAS offer is unique on the market with its flexible agreement (no lock-in period), personal support and the latest technology to ensure that the system delivers the correct information.
Information can, if desired, be displayed on screens (see example) or be connected with automatically traffic lights at the entrance.
ICA stores in Sweden that have chosen real-time occupancy:
Tips to make people counting work in real time:
Think holistically.
For the system to be able to deliver correct figures, we recommend that all entrances, exits and lifts as well as personnel routes have people counters.
Choose high-quality people counters (in our package we offer market-leading people counters with 3D technology).
This is how real-time measurement works with the help of customer counters / visitor counters:
3D people counter is easily mounted in all entrances and exits (incl. Elevator and staff entrances)
The people counters send data directly to the IMAS web portal Xperio, which performs calculations and checks all sensors.
Via the web portal, the visitor limit is specified.
If the limit is reached, Xperio automatically sends messages and shows red, which allows you to make adjustments quickly and easily.
It is possible to follow the number of visitors in real time via mobile, tablet or computer.
Real-time information can be presented in the desired format, for example on screens at the entrance.
Automatic stop light functions and screens at the entrance are easy to connect.
About ICA
ICA is one of the Nordic region's leading retail companies with over 2,000 stores in Sweden and the Baltic region.
About IMAS
We help and support shopping mall operators, retail chains, cities and public institutions (plus many more), collect and understand valuable information about visitors and customers. The information is collected from people counters, footfall traffic, ERPs or other sources of information. 100% GDPR Compliant.